My life with lupus
nephritis is complicated
LUPKYNIS® helps me
focus on the fight
Actor portrayal
LUPKYNIS is the 1st FDA-approved oral treatment specifically for lupus nephritis
LUPKYNIS works by helping to stop the attack of lupus nephritis, while protecting the kidneys from irreversible damage caused by this serious disease.
In clinical trials, LUPKYNIS helped control lupus nephritis with low-dose steroids.
Lupus nephritis is an attack on the kidneys caused by lupus
Lupus nephritis is a common and serious complication that about 1 out of 2 people living with lupus may go on to develop. If left untreated, lupus nephritis often leads to serious health problems, permanent kidney damage, and even kidney failure.
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Sign up for the latest LUPKYNIS news and get more information about Aurinia Alliance®, our personalized support program for people who are taking LUPKYNIS. You can also request to be contacted by an Aurinia Alliance Nurse Case Manager to help you enroll in the program and connect you with other services like our copay program for eligible commercial patients.